Pre-Christmas magic

Hope your pre-Christmas time has gone well. Despite of all the things going on and a sudden flu, I have managed to decorate my home for Christmas and spend some special pre-festive moments during the past weeks.

This is the second Christmas I have decided to put a Christmas tree, a plastic one though, but I must say I love to see it shining. This year, I chose to decorate it with my very favorite items of various decorations bought around the world. And along the decorations I have added some Christmas lights and candles to brighten the darkest time of the year here in Finland.

But most of all I have enjoyed preparing some great get-togethers with my dearest. Those moments have been special and the memories will last a lifetime. Time spent together is the best gift anyone can give to one another.

I know this week will be a hectic one especially for those with children, but I hope each of us would remember to relax and just be grateful for all the wonderful people and the little ordinary things each of us already have in our lives.

Just enjoy the company of your loved ones and live in the moment.
Season's greetings for everyone! <3
